Hector A. Ruiz

MBA, Project Manager, Tennis Player, Musician, and Author of "How to Destroy a Country"

Tag: Book Page 1 of 4

Aftermath of Book Release

It sure feels like it was yesterday when I started writing my book. It took seven years to get it finished and published (in its Spanish version available here).

An immense feeling of satisfaction and achievement surrounds me, as well as the need to take a break from the project, which means that ongoing work in the English version will be on hold for a while. I still want to keep 2023 as a target for release, and I will do my best to make it happen. However I feel that I need to clear my mind and also collect some much needed feedback from the Spanish version, which I could be able to use for a potential second edition, as well as the first edition of the English version.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the project, and thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy of my book and allowing themselves to dive into my little baby.

As always, I will keep everyone posted.


Book Release Announcement!

And… my book has been published!

The Spanish version has officially been released. You can find it on Amazon:

Amazon: Manual Para Destruir un País. Caso I: Venezuela – (Spanish Edition): Ruiz, Hector A.

Amazon UK: Manual Para Destruir un País. Caso I: Venezuela – Amazon.co.uk: Ruiz, Hector A.

The English version is still in post production work and its release date is set for 2023.

Second Half of 2021

June was a bit of a hectic month. I had a few additional commitments to take care of -on top of my job, and the book launch- and also, I had to take a few days off due to health issues.

As I have promised on several occasions, one of my objectives for 2021 is to publish my book. Today, everything seems to point that in the next days I should have a major announcement for you.

Thanks for standing by.


Book Trailer #2

Hi everyone! Here you have my Book Trailer #2. I hope you like it.

My first review is out!

Today is a very special day, as my book’s first review has been published. You can read the whole article in the below link (in Spanish):

My first book review is out!

A special thanks to professor Xavier Diez, a historian, author and professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, for his invaluable support.


Book reviews

Last month I started to send ARCs to authors, academics and journalists who are interested in reviewing my book, prior its release date.

If you know anyone who may be interested in reviewing my book, please feel free to contact me at noticias@es.hectoraliruiz.com

(This applies for the Spanish version, as the English version is currently being edited).

Thank you!

The long journey to make it…

As an independent author -and also self-publishing-, I have bee walking what I refer to as “The long journey to make it…” Definitely it’s not anything new, as hundreds of thousands of writers before me have transited it before.

Sometimes I think on how hard the competition is out there. How many thousands of authors like me are trying to fit in and have their works heard and read. But then I think about how lucky we are for living in the present time, where we have plenty of resources to make our journey worth it. It brings perspective to the meaning of the phrase “enjoy the journey, more than the goal”.


Book Trailer #1

Today is a very special day, as I am releasing the first Book Trailer of my book as you will see below.

Note: This is the book trailer for the Spanish edition, as the English edition of the book is still in the works, but for those English speakers who are also fluent in Spanish, I hope you enjoy it.

Book Cover coming?

It looks like I may have a book cover reveal coming out soon.

Stay tuned.


The Introverted Great Speaker

A few days ago I was having a chat with two of my childhood friends whom I’ve known for over thirty years. We went to school together and after graduating, we took on separate career paths. Despite being apart, we always kept and held firm to our friendship and still do to this day. During the chat, one of my friends who has never seen me speak in public or negotiating with a client, commented: “I find hard to believe that you are a great public speaker, because ever since I’ve known you, you are an incredibly introvert and soft-spoken, low-profile guy!”, and he is absolutely true: I am an introvert. However, sometimes a specific quality in a person, does not necessarily relate to the other.

People normally confuse “introvert” with adjectives like “shy”, “quiet”, “insecure”, as well as stereotypical qualifications like “not fit to be a leader”, “cannot command”, and “follower”, and this is when confusion allows for misjudgment. Me being an introvert means that I like to think more rather than talk. I like to read, look, analyze and observe, rather than engage in small talk. My habits also back my personality: I play the piano, as well as guitar and bass, and I play tennis and chess. All of those are individual activities that require deep thought, rather than engagement with people. When I go to a party, I’m normally the quiet guy sitting on a corner looking how everyone is having fun. Now, that does not mean that I dislike engaging with people; in fact I love it. I absolutely do. The thing is, I love to do it with a meaning behind the engagement, and that is when the great public speaker comes in.

Throughout my life I have been told several times that once I step on a stage, I go through this sort of metamorphosis that releases this completely different person who comes out of his shell. I become a firm, engaging speaker, who talks with passion about the topic on hand, and who is incredibly hilarious, as well as fascinating to watch. The reason why this happens is because I focus on the message being clearly sent rather than the words. There are a lot of public speakers out there who speak nicely and sound unbelievably fluid and fascinating, yet their message is empty, or even worse: fake. They use stories to engage with people and stories are more engaging than facts. I on the other hand, use facts. The key difference is that I talk about facts using words that someone else would use for stories. So the question is: Do you prefer a speaker who clouds your vision and paints you fake pictures talking with nice words? Unfortunately, a lot of people do, and this is why sometimes a lot of my counterpart extroverts are able to get away with scamming so many people.

I do not have anything against extroverts and I am aware there have been several successful extrovert leaders and public speakers, as well as there have been several introvert scammers. The bottom line is not to judge an introvert only because he’s quiet; instead, give us the chance to prove you are wrong in your assumptions.

And of course, pay attention to the facts in the message. Never pay attention to the beautifully well spoken words surrounding the message.


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