Hector A. Ruiz

MBA, Project Manager, Tennis Player, Musician, and Author of "How to Destroy a Country"

Month: August 2020

Book Update

Hi guys, I just wanted to give another update on the status of my book.

I have been working intensely over the past weeks doing more revisions over the structure, as well as the editorial aspects of the manuscript. Looking back, I thought 2020 was going to be the year I would have it published, but with every passing day, it looks like I’m going to have to push it back to the and of Q1 2021.

The more I work, the more far away it seems I am from the finish line. I know it’s the opposite, and in reality I’m getting closer… but it feels painful and tiring.

Still, I keep pushing through…


Star Trek

After years of keeping it on the backlog, last night I finally started to watch Star Trek. According to my calculations, it should take me three to four years to watch every season and every movie.

Wish me luck!

3000 Math Problems

I’ve decided to start a channel in which I will solve Math Problems and Exercises, from the B.Demidovich book. I figured it’s a good idea to throw in my piece of contribution to all college students who are interested
in studying and learning math.

You can find the Channel here:


I already began recording a few videos, so please feel free to take a look and let me know your thoughts!


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