Hector A. Ruiz

MBA, Project Manager, Tennis Player, Musician, and Author of "How to Destroy a Country"

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Dexter – Season One review

I recently re-watched one of Showtime’s biggest hits, Dexter, and wanted to share a few thoughts on it. This review contains spoilers, so be warned.

As you may or may not know, I have never been to keen into drama series, or any type of series other than comedy. The first time I watched Dexter, it was a heavy snowstorm weekend in which my girlfriend at the time was visiting me. Surrounded by feet of snow, she persuaded me to watch this new series about a serial killer of which she was already on the fourth season (Dexter was about to air season six finale, and she wanted to catch up to watch the season ending episode live). With not many options available at my disposal, I tagged along. That said, I will share my experience as I lived it during that dark, snowy and romantic weekend.

I found the first season pleasantly surprising. The series start a bit clumsy, as it normally happens with most series, with main characters trying to find their way through the plot. Dexter himself is a very strong character, whose motivations are easy to understand, which makes him appealing to a lot of audiences. His love interest Rita, starts off well, but unfortunately becomes generic, predictable and downright boring. I did not anticipate her being for too long in the series. I liked Debra and Sgt. Doakes, easily two of the best characters, and arguably the only ones who can go toe-to-toe with Dexter. Generally speaking, I acknowledged the quality of the series.

In terms of flaws or weaknesses, I have to refer to the main antagonist, Brian Moser. I did not see the need of him having to be romantically involved with Debra. He could have been part of the circle, and still be a major menacing presence that overshadowed Dexter’s side gig as a serial killer, which leads me to say that I also did not like that he was killed so early. It would probably have been better if it was written that he was able to escape from Dexter and remain looming Dexter’s life as the seasons went on. My guess is that the writers were not counting on the season being renewed, so they planned the series to have a fitting ending after the first season, which is why the second season starts so abruptly as if it were a brand new series.

More on the second season in a next entry.


That ’90s Show

In an era where my thirst for comedy has wandered the endless plains of available cable and streaming options, in search for the next show that could be heralded as a worthy successor to the towering heights of creative, edgy and outspoken humor reached by Seinfeld or The Simpsons (a search one might find similar to that of finding intelligent lifeforms in our galaxy), I had recently been exposed to several propaganda pieces promoting That ’90s Show as a potential candidate of being considered in this discussion. With the hope that my search would be coming to an end, I watched the first season of Netflix‘s latest addition. Sadly, my hopes faded away as quickly as the bright sunlight does during winter days at high latitudes.

There are two reasons for the disappointment. One concerns the product, the other concerns the audience (me).

That ’90s Show has several flaws one can easily pinpoint in order to understand its shortcomings as a good comedy show, let alone a great one. I believe there should be an overall consensus that its predecessor –That ’70s Show– was a good sitcom. I would not quite label it as a great one, due to the last three seasons’ quality falling under the standard the show set -a discussion that deserves its own separate topic-. Still, 70s was a solid and funny show about a group of teenagers living in Wisconsin during the second half of the 70s, with several cultural references and settings relevant to the time the show is set; but more importantly, with characters that felt real, and acted like actual people living in the 70s in the American Midwest. It also helped that the cast was solid and the actors exceeded all the expectations placed on them. Needless to say, almost all of the young cast went on to embark on their own successful solo-careers. Personally, I always felt Ashton Kutcher was arguably the most talented member, with the others not too far behind his abilities. I could tell this from the very first episode of the show. In contrast, That ’90s Show has neither settings nor characters that feel real.

From the first episode, the question that should come up in the audience’s mind is: “When is this taking place?” Within a few minutes, the show seems to establish that the year is 1995. In a matter of seconds everything goes downhill from there. My immediate thought was to wonder whether if the writers knew what it was to be a teenager in 1995. If they didn’t, did the writers research what it was to be a teenager in 1995? With so many resources available, including having access to contemporary shows of the time such as Beverly Hills, My So Called Life, and Party of Five, it seems that the answer to both two thoughts was a resounding No.

The problem with the show is that it tries too hard to be a current (2023) modernized interpretation of how life was in the 90s, employing the narrative used in That ’70s Show, while featuring desultory attempts to bring the main characters together. The result of this blend is a traumatizing mix that can leave your brain sore after a few consecutive episodes. I had to pause every ten minutes or so to gather strength to keep watching the show, mainly because the plots thrive on the idea of political correctness in a way that is not how things worked in 1995. Certainly the 90s featured feminists (Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell), gays (Rickie Vasquez from My So Called Life), and african-americans blending in prominent roles in a white-predominant cast (The Quizmaster from Sabrina), but the characters were driven by the set they were in, along with their own individual values. It is hard to explain, but the same character type in That ’90s Show, behaves as if they are given a recipe of how to act, which also restricts their freedom of understanding why do they act the way they do. Simply put, the characters do not act like teenage Gen X teenagers, and they do not even act like Millenial teenagers. They act like Gen Zs in a setting filled with vague references of the 90s. The script has so many out of place fatuous dialogues, it is almost impossible to buy into these kids being Gen Xers.

A particular scene that exemplifies my reasoning features a character joyfully smiling, signing and dancing to Alanis Morissette’s Ought to know in a very impassioned and lackluster way compared to the context of how it should have been in 1995. She should have been screaming her lungs out, breaking her voice and throwing stuff around her bedroom, because that is what the song is about; instead, it looks as if the character was joyfully signing and dancing to Taylor Swift’s Shake it off. If you watch the scene, you will hear a needle scratch in your head. The character is interrupted and dialogue begins without any significance of what we had been showed moments before. A better approach would have been to portray the character passionately yelling the lyrics deep from their lungs, having their voice faltering more and more after every sang word in order to show a raw emotional state filled with feelings of a conflict to be explored in further episodes, because that is what Ought to know’s lyrics transmit, and that is how us teenagers back in the 90s digested the song. A parallel can be drawn back to the first episode of That ’70s Show when something similar happens to the characters listening to Todd Rundgren, which serves as an establishment of a plot that lasts for a few episodes. This same approach was also perfectly executed on other shows as well: there is a reason why an enfuriated Brenda Walsh listens to Losing my religion after breaking up with her boyfriend Dylan in Beverly Hills; or why a hopeless romantic Ross Geller dedicates With or without you to Rachel in Friends. Instead, this scene in 90s featuring Ought to know could have had any other song being played, danced to and sang, without generating any significant impact on the plot.

This loss of a geniune 90s feel impacts the second reason for my disappointment: the humor. Humor in the 90s was irreverant, dark, filled with satire and irony. Did the writers forget they had to focus on a decade that arguably can be referred as the prime comedic decade in entertainment history? The 90s were the decade of the prime Simpsons, Seinfeld, Southpark, Ren and Stimpy, VH-1, MTV, The Larry Sanders Show, and so on. Therefore, this leads to a mind-boggling question: who is the audience of this show? Is it the fans of That ’70s Show? Or is it the Gen Zs and Millenials? If it’s the former, then unless I (and everyone around me) lived inside a parallel 90s universe, the humor falls flat. If it’s the latter, then I wouldn’t be able to tell if they would appreciate the humor, but I would say they will have a specious impression of how life was in the 90s. Even details as trivial as the characters’ clothing and hairstyles are completely off.

Fuller House also failed in recreating the atmosphere that had been built by its predecessor Full House, but a point can be made that it was probably due to the main characters being completely different people from the ones we saw in the original show. That is: the three girls we met in Full House, were now full grown adult women in Fuller House, so they are obviously going to act differently from how they were in they younger days. This of course results in themes that will be more adult-oriented, rather than the family-oriented plots that were regularly featured in Full House.

I wasn’t expecting anything particular from That ’90s Show in terms of characters and plots, but having seen the end results, I have to say that I am disappointed at how trite the show is, and at the lost opportunities of having a nerd kid obsessed with getting the gang hooked on the internet, a confident yet green handsome kid with a “conquer-the-world” attitude, a passionate and naturally gifted sports kid, a down-to-Earth hardworking kid, an artistic kid, and spoiled kid. With so many avenues and storylines to fill, it would have been interesting to see this blend come together with an authentic feel of the realistic wants and needs that teenagers had back then: the latest videogame, the latest sport event, the concerts, the defiance of the 80s, the counterculture… and that new emerging thing called the internet.

In the end, my search will continue, as I keep looking for something that will bring back the basic roots of comedy that have been missing for quite a while now.


My Book’s English Version

For a few weeks I have officially been working at a dedicated pace in the final phase of my book’s English version. What does “dedicated pace” mean? Well, that it has my full attention and commitment in order to reach a goal. What goal? Its publication.

I know I have been sharing 2023 as a tentative release date, however after analyzing the variables related to achieve this, I have decided that 2024 is a more viable and realistic date.

I am quite sure my patient English-speaking followers will be disappointed of reading this new delay announcement, but I feel safer working on an objective that will guarantee a high quality product that will allow me yo meet and hopefully exceed your expectations.

I will keep you posted of any new updates.


Happy New Year 2023!

Best wishes to everyone.


Congratulations Argentina!

What an amazing match! Without a doubt, we just witnessed the best final match in all World Cup history.

Congratulations Argentina!

World Cup 2022 Kick-off!

Let the fun begin!

I have absolutely no idea who is going to win this world cup.

I feel this is the first time in all World Cup history, that there isn’t a single favorite team above the rest. We do have a few strong teams that you would probably consider safe bets to win over the rest, but not by much though.

The sport has globalized so much, that I believe this World Cup will be filled with surprises and upsets. Maybe a small unknown and unheralded team may be even to make it to the late stages of the tournament, like the semifinals.

Anyway, below I will list my predictions for this world cup:

  1. France is really strong, but not as strong as they were 2018. They arguably have the best forward line up in the tournament with Mbappe, Giroud and Griezman. They also have a strong defense. They have no midfield though (actually, there isn’t a single team with a strong midfield). I strongly believe that France can make it to the finals and even win the tournament, unless England knocks them out in the quarterfinals (if both of them end up meeting in the quarterfinals as group leaders).
  2. To add on to the above, I don’t anticipate any team being able to stop Kylian Mbappe. He will wreck more havok than what he did in 2018. He may end up being the lead scorer of the tournament with at least seven goals or more, unless….
  3. Neymar outscores him, which he may. Brazil has an easier group and an easier path towards the finals. If Neymar takes the lead early on and manages to score a couple of hat-tricks, he may actually be the tournament’s lead scorer with eight or more goals, unless…
  4. Brazil chokes and get outsted in the R16 or QF. Simply put, Brazil isn’t what they used to be back in the 90s up until 2002. They lost their magic ever since and have never regained it. Neymar is no Ronaldinho, Rivaldo or Ronaldo. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get knocked out. However, I will say, that their team is well-balanced, and I believe they will make it to the finals against France, unless…
  5. Argentina knocks Brazil out. If the two southamerican powers meet in the semifinals (both would have to qualify as group leaders), it would be a showdown for the ages, and let’s keep in mind that Argentina eliminated Brazil back in 1990, in a similar situation that could happen this year: Maradona was slighly past his prime, but still the best player in the world, similar to how Messi is slighly past his prime, but is still the best player in the world. Still, I don’t know why, I have this feeling that Brazil may prove too much for Argentina, and this time Neymar will pullthrough the semifinals and reach the finals against France, and will win the World Cup. Yes, Brazil is my main favorite to win the World Cup, conditioned to Neymay being able to lead them all the way. If he doesn’t, then…
  6. Messi will win the world cup. Yes, I am calling it exactly as you read it. My main prediction is that France will make it to the finals against Brazil, if they are both able to overcome England and Argentina respectively, and Brazil will beat France. However, if Brazil losses to Argentina, then it will either be Argentina vs. France or Argentina vs. England. In either case, I find it hard to believe that Lionel Messi is going to play his last World Cup match -the actual World Cup Finals- and lose. I actually find that impossible to believe. If Argentina makes it to the final, regardless of who they will play, Argentina will finally win their third World Cup.
  7. By the way, if this scenario happens, Messi will probably end up as lead scorer.
  8. Surprises. The following teams will have a deep run into the tournament: Ecuador, Croatia, USA.
  9. Upsets. Not quite an upset per se, but I don’t think the classic favorites -Spain, England, Germany, Portugal- have enough to make a threat to win the tournament. They may make it to the knockout stage, and once there they will lose to either France, Argentina, Brazil, themselves, or some other team. England is the only team who has a chance, but like I said earlier, that is only if they are able to move past France.
  10. Cristiano Ronaldo: he is not going to do much. Maybe score a goal or two, but nothing spectacular.

Good luck!

A Tale of Two Cities

This classic had been in my queue for quite some time, and I was finally able to get to it this year and finish it a few days ago.

It was a wonderful reading experience filled with so many themes that you will end up analyzing it for several weeks. It is also a reminder of how impactful the French Revolution was back when it happened, and how much of that impact we are still feeling to this day.

I recommend it to everyone.


Alcaraz wins the 2022 US Open

One year ago, moments after defeating Tstisipas in five sets in the third round of the 2021 US Open, I told my dear friend Carlos Luis Vargas: “This kid Alcaraz will win a Grand Slam in 2022.”

Congratulations Carlos Alcaraz!


Three Great Concerts

What an amazing couple of months!

Alanis Morissette, Rage Against the Machine and Red Hot Chili Peppers, performed at the PNC Center, MSG and the MetLife Stadium to the very best of their abilities.

Each one in their own style gave an exceptional performance, worth the anticipation.

Will The Cure tour in America soon?


Happy 4th of July!

A date to celebrate the birth of our great nation.


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