Hector A. Ruiz

MBA, Project Manager, Tennis Player, Musician, and Author of "How to Destroy a Country"

Month: April 2021

Memory vs. Notes

I have a very good memory. Really good. Yet, I always take notes.

Plenty of time I see fellow employees or coworkers relying on memory for their meeting minutes, and countless of times I see delays, mishaps or misunderstandings, just because there was an incorrect recording of an event, a task, a meeting or an agreement.

The reason why I keep notes -and by notes I mean use project management tracking resources- is because if someone else was to take over my job, or simply have a quick look at what I’m doing, they should be able to easily figure out exactly every single piece of information about a project.

Always think of the team.


The transition year

Working from home, masks, events with no crowds, and so many other routines we weren’t used to two years ago… but we’re slowly starting to go back.

From what it looks, 2021 will be “The transition year”: a year to refigure things out, a year in which we may start to get glimpses of the way life worked before this all started.


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