Hector A. Ruiz

MBA, Project Manager, Tennis Player, Musician, and Author of "How to Destroy a Country"

Month: September 2020

The Introverted Great Speaker

A few days ago I was having a chat with two of my childhood friends whom I’ve known for over thirty years. We went to school together and after graduating, we took on separate career paths. Despite being apart, we always kept and held firm to our friendship and still do to this day. During the chat, one of my friends who has never seen me speak in public or negotiating with a client, commented: “I find hard to believe that you are a great public speaker, because ever since I’ve known you, you are an incredibly introvert and soft-spoken, low-profile guy!”, and he is absolutely true: I am an introvert. However, sometimes a specific quality in a person, does not necessarily relate to the other.

People normally confuse “introvert” with adjectives like “shy”, “quiet”, “insecure”, as well as stereotypical qualifications like “not fit to be a leader”, “cannot command”, and “follower”, and this is when confusion allows for misjudgment. Me being an introvert means that I like to think more rather than talk. I like to read, look, analyze and observe, rather than engage in small talk. My habits also back my personality: I play the piano, as well as guitar and bass, and I play tennis and chess. All of those are individual activities that require deep thought, rather than engagement with people. When I go to a party, I’m normally the quiet guy sitting on a corner looking how everyone is having fun. Now, that does not mean that I dislike engaging with people; in fact I love it. I absolutely do. The thing is, I love to do it with a meaning behind the engagement, and that is when the great public speaker comes in.

Throughout my life I have been told several times that once I step on a stage, I go through this sort of metamorphosis that releases this completely different person who comes out of his shell. I become a firm, engaging speaker, who talks with passion about the topic on hand, and who is incredibly hilarious, as well as fascinating to watch. The reason why this happens is because I focus on the message being clearly sent rather than the words. There are a lot of public speakers out there who speak nicely and sound unbelievably fluid and fascinating, yet their message is empty, or even worse: fake. They use stories to engage with people and stories are more engaging than facts. I on the other hand, use facts. The key difference is that I talk about facts using words that someone else would use for stories. So the question is: Do you prefer a speaker who clouds your vision and paints you fake pictures talking with nice words? Unfortunately, a lot of people do, and this is why sometimes a lot of my counterpart extroverts are able to get away with scamming so many people.

I do not have anything against extroverts and I am aware there have been several successful extrovert leaders and public speakers, as well as there have been several introvert scammers. The bottom line is not to judge an introvert only because he’s quiet; instead, give us the chance to prove you are wrong in your assumptions.

And of course, pay attention to the facts in the message. Never pay attention to the beautifully well spoken words surrounding the message.


The Right Way

If you read my About short bio, you will find that it is stated that I only do things one way: The Right Way. This begs the question: What does doing things “The Right Way” mean?

A few weeks ago Novak Djokovic was disqualified from the US Open for hitting a lines person with a ball, in what was perceived as an accidental yet reckless behavior. I recorded a video about the incident that you can watch on my YouTube channel, and I would say I did a very good job of approaching the incident and showing what “The Right Way” is and how it could have applied to this particular occasion.

We have rules and laws in our society and generally speaking, we should abide to them. However, before rules and laws, fair judgement should always prevail, and this is when doing things “The Right Way” matters. Rather than looking at the disqualification of Djokovic as a punctual event, we should take a look at the larger picture of the conditions and variables surrounding the incident, and ask questions like: Did our rules hold applicable for the incident? Were the rules able to clearly justify the consequences of the incident, or do they need to be revised? And more importantly, are the rules that are in place able to prevent a similar incident from happening in the future? The Right Way is looking at all of these variables and acting accordingly.

Essentially, in my video I not only analyze the incident, but what could be done in order to avoid finding ourselves in the same situation two or five years from now. That is what doing things The Right Way means.


The Messi Clause

I have to say that I am a little bit disappointed of the way FC Barcelona has handled themselves with Lionel Messi and his intent of leaving the club at the end of the season.

I just got finished watching his interview and have to say Messi made a lot of valid points, and knowing Barcelona’s history treating players, it wouldn’t surprise me that every single thing he said is true. He mentioned that the early last year, club’s president gave him his word that he was free to go at the end of the season, and that now in the end, he went back on his word.

What is even more disappointing is all the people who have expressed negative opinions on Messi’s position, to the point of even demanding him to stay on the club even in the bad times Barcelona is going through. Messi has played in Barcelona for all his life and during this time, he has had both victories and defeats. The current situation Barcelona is in, is due to poor leadership from the directors of the club, including signing players who were evidently not going to have any positive contribution to the team, as well as letting other who contributed positively go.

So now, thanks to a legal technicality in an unforeseen force majeure event, Messi is stuck in a club he does not want to be part of anymore. With that in mind, will Barcelona win any trophies this season? I doubt it. So why not let him go and rebuild a brand new and fresh team.


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