Over the past days I have been really focused with my tasks at work and I have honestly have close to zero time to watch the news and completely understand this whole Covid-19 pandemic. I only have the bare minimum knowledge about it, therefore I feel uneducated and unqualified to speak about it.

Things are happening a bit to fast and as you can imagine, I have zero connections with anything regarding the management of this crisis. Things seem to be taking a turn towards a very serious scenario and all I can say is that in these situations, speaking from your heart or with very little expertise is not recommended. I have read and heard mixed opinions regarding the use of masks, gloves and cleaning your clothes and shoes, I feel I have no context to follow.

What I plan to do over the next days is devote a bit of time to get myself educated on the subject, as it seems this is going to be a long term issue. I advise you should do the same.

Stay tuned.