Several factors took place for the American to be able to withstand the British Army, including the support of a nation that wanted somewhat of a payback from Great Britain: the Kingdom of France. Despite being on the verge of bankruptcy before the Seven Years’ War and deeply falling into a severe deficit after losing the major conflict, King Louis XVI spent a considerable amount of french resources to provide aid and assistance to the American Colonies.

Similarly to the blunder King George II had made a few years earlier, King Louis XVI also thought it was a good idea to impose taxes to solve his mishaps. In his case, he placed a heavy burden on the Third Estate of the country, which represented 98% of the population.

The French Revolution.

Fed up with centuries of humiliation, starvation, cruelty, oppression and inequality, the angry people of Paris charged against the Monarchy, the Nobility and the Clergy. Long story short, they dethroned the Monarchy and imposed a new government, hundreds of thousands -including King Louis XVI- were decapitated, a new measurement system was created, and a new leader in the form of a General with hunger of conquering Europe crowned himself as Emperor of France in 1804.

Napoleon Bonaparte rose through the ranks during the French Revolution to become the sole ruler of France. By 1804 he had probably decided to set on his way to conquer all of Europe. Among his first conquests, was the ill-prepared Kingdom of Spain, who fell to Napoleon’s more powerful army. After the victory, Napoleon placed his brother Joseph as King, which led to a series of internal revolts in Spain.

New of Spain’s internal troubles, reached Venezuela, and… backed with:

  1. The quick distribution of mass communication thanks to the Invention of the Printed Press
  2. The Age of Enlightenment
  3. The worldwide turn oil left after the Seven Years’ War
  4. Unfair heavily taxes and policies on Venezuela’s colonists
  5. The inspiration of the United States’ independence, defeating the mighty British Empire
  6. The inspiration of the people overthrowing the monarchy in the French Revolution

…resulted in the beginning of the War of the Independence of Venezuela.